Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture
"Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture," penned by Masayuki Ishikawa, brings an intriguing twist to the world of manga. The narrative orbits around Tadayasu Sawaki, a college freshman in an agricultural university, who possesses a remarkable and peculiar gift - the ability to perceive and converse with microorganisms. To Sawaki, these minute life forms manifest as distinct entities, unlike the microscopic entities visible to the average eye.
The series has garnered acclaim for its artistic prowess and its adept handling of a challenging subject matter. Critics have lauded its ability to elucidate complex topics with clarity. Notably, "Moyashimon" clinched the prestigious 2008 Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Grand Prize and the 2008 Kodansha Manga Award in the general manga category. It seamlessly melds science, humor, and a touch of the supernatural, offering readers an educational and entertaining glimpse into the unseen world of microorganisms.
- Release date: October 2007
- Developed by: Shirogumi and Telecom Animation Film
- Number of episodes: 11
- Watch here: