Fatigue (Extreme tiredness)

Extreme tiredness or exhaustion, which can occur at any time of the day and interfere with your capacity to perform daily duties, is referred to as fatigue. Patients with HIV frequently experience fatigue. Numerous physical and practical issues might contribute to exhaustion and alter how you feel about it. You can engage in activities that will aid in managing your fatigue.
Numerous HIV-positive individuals report episodic fatigue symptoms, which suggest that they may appear and disappear over time. Since variable energy levels can make it challenging to plan ahead, this can make weariness feel especially tough to manage. Low-level HIV-related inflammation can drain a lot of energy, even in those with an undetectable viral load. As a result of the body fighting so hard to fight HIV, weariness may start to set in. If you have a high viral load, you can be more prone to fatigue. The goal of HIV treatment is to lower blood levels of the HIV virus to undetectable levels.