Focus on Your Gut Health

Now, more than ever, everyone understands the extent to which gut health affects overall immune function. The stress of modern life, diets high in processed foods and the regular use of antibiotics have left many people with guts that function far from optimally.

Working towards better gut balance means including both pro and prebiotics. Probiotics reintroduce good bacteria to the gut and are typically found in cultured yogurts, fermented drinks such as kombucha, fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kimchi, and supplementary products available in pharmacies.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, pass through the digestive tract undigested and feed good bacteria in the gut. Fiber-rich foods that act as prebiotics include asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, onions, beans, chickpeas, lentils and supplementary fibers such as psyllium, pectin and guar gum. Aiming to include both probiotics and prebiotics in your daily diet will help your gut be at its best.

Tempeh (Via: Istock)
Tempeh (Via: Istock)
Jerusalem artichokes (Via: Istock)
Jerusalem artichokes (Via: Istock)

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