Fortifed yogurt

Yogurt is a popular snack that is high in calcium, protein, and gut-friendly bacteria, making it an excellent choice for fortification. "Fortified foods, including milk, yogurt, butter, margarine, cheeses, orange juice, bread, and breakfast cereals, represent the major dietary sources of vitamin D."– Gasparri et al, 2019.
The authors conducted a review of the medical literature and discovered nine trials comparing the health benefits of consuming 1 or 2 pots of vitamin D-fortified yogurt per day against unfortified yogurt. Overall, the studies found that those who ate vitamin D-fortified yogurt had higher vitamin D levels in their blood. People who ate vitamin D-fortified yogurt lost more weight and had better blood fat levels than those who ate unfortified yogurt. Vitamin D-fortified yogurt has been demonstrated in multiple trials to boost vitamin D levels and may also have additional health benefits. Yogurt, like milk, is poor in vitamin D, with just 80–120 IU per pot. Yogurt, on the other hand, is a healthy meal that is easy to eat and tolerated by lactose intolerant people.