
FreshBooks is another full-featured accounting software that makes financial management simple for businesses of all sizes. It can assist you to produce invoices online easily. FreshBooks also offers a mobile app that allows you to manage your bills from anywhere.
FreshBooks has a number of useful functions, one of which is spending tracking. Individual costs may be tracked and linked to a single client's invoice. As a result, every part of the task is accurately and effectively billed. FreshBooks also allows businesses to accept online payments through credit card, PayPal, or Google Checkout. This is a recent feature that many other invoicing software solutions lack, and it is extremely beneficial to both clients and businesses. FreshBooks is an obvious choice for professional and efficient business invoicing when you combine that with a useful reporting tool.
Best for: SMBs that want to look pro w/ lots of features
Price range: From $4.50 per month
Free trial: 30 days