Friendly People
It's fascinating how the nation that the media in the West portrays as being violent and unstable may end up being the most welcoming and friendliest location. There is no question that the Sudanese will astound you with their kindness and hospitality. They are undoubtedly among the warmest people on the planet.
They only want to help, and they engage in conversation with random people. Visitors are always given extra consideration, so expect to be treated like royalty if you visit a Sudanese house. One of the main reasons visitors to Sudan keep coming back is the exceptional friendliness they experience there.
Every Sudanese, regardless of their family, feels it is his responsibility to uphold this revered heritage and instill a spirit of hospitality in his offspring. These youngsters will grow up to be the parents who shape societal attitudes and trends. People frequently travel to remote areas of Sudan without carrying any food with them because this behavior has taken over the lives and ways of thinking of many countries. Nevertheless, they can always count on getting food and a place to stay. Of course, different cultures have varied traditions for extending hospitality. However, the custom of welcoming and caring for visitors is the same everywhere.