Gal Gohan
Gal Gohan, also referred to as "Gyaru Gohan" or "Gyaru Cooking," is a superb manga that skillfully combines the genres of seinen, humor, cookery, ecchi, romance, and school life. The protagonist of the tale is Shinji Yabe, a home economics teacher at a famous university. The largest gyaru in the school, Miku Okazaki, approaches him one day. In an effort to make up for her subpar academic achievement, Miku begs him for help preparing cookies to offer to the instructors.
Miku made this request after she attended several makeup lessons but still failed every topic and didn't get better. Nevertheless, Yabe chooses an alternative course of action rather than chastising her or forcing her to take additional makeup classes. He really thinks Miku has a promise and understands that instead of punishing her, she needs support and direction.
Miku takes on the difficult chore of preparing cookies with Yabe's careful supervision. They run into several humorous scenarios and accidents along the route, which gives the manga a comedy touch. Notwithstanding the obstacles, Miku steadily gets better and manages to finish making a batch of mouthwatering cookies. Yabe is moved by Miku's expression of happiness and appreciation for her achievement.
You may easily read it online to experience Gal Gohan's world and appreciate the chefs' culinary exploits as well as the sweet moments between Yabe and his students. So gather your supplies and prepare to enjoy this delicious and endearing comic!
Author: Marii Taiyou
Genre: Gourmet, Romantic comedy, Slice of life
Released: December 23, 2016 – March 27, 2020
Chapters: 68
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