Please Save My Earth

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Presenting the fascinating manga "Boku no Chikyuu o Mamotte" (also known as "Please Save My Earth")! Read the enchanted realm crafted by the talented mangaka Saki Hiwatari, and set off on an adventure that deftly combines fantasy, action, romance, and psychological themes.

The protagonist of the tale is a little girl named Alice Sakaguchi, who recently relocated from her tranquil Hokkaido home to the busy metropolis of Tokyo. But sadly! She becomes disillusioned with the busy city life and feels out of place. Her lack of happiness is exacerbated by the contaminated air, the shortage of her beloved plants, the difficulty she is having making friends at her new high school, and the persistent bullying she receives from her teenaged neighbor, Rin. Alice's heart craves a deeper connection to the world around her, as if her struggles weren't enough.

Alice makes the tragic decision to take Rin to the zoo one day. She had no idea that her visit would reveal a mysterious aspect to herself. She gains the incredible ability to hear the creatures' thoughts as she gets closer to them! She seems to draw the animals to her, creating an unspoken link. Read the most recent issues to immerse yourself in the engrossing universe of "Please Save My Earth," and be enthralled with the amazing storyline and creativity that will have you flipping the pages with anticipation.

Fans of action, fantasy, romance, and everything in between should not miss this manga because of its captivating plot, endearing characters, and inventive blending of genres. Thus, don't pass this up! Explore the captivating universe of "Please Save My Earth" and get the magic for yourself

Author: Saki Hiwatari
Genre: Romance, Science fiction, Supernatural
Released: December 20, 1986 – May 20, 1994
Chapters: 21
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