Garlic Can Help With A Toothache
Even though it's thought to be particularly helpful against a toothache, garlic has a specific position in antiquated notions of speedy medical treatment. While a dentist would probably recommend a painkiller instead of recommending that you chew on garlic, certain conventional, alternative medical systems vouch for its toothache-relieving abilities.
Garlic has compounds that should assist against toothache symptoms, despite the fact that it may sound like an untrue old wives' tale. Allicin, which has potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is one of them. It only appears when the garlic is cut, chopped, or otherwise processed, and it only lasts a short while.
Applying garlic to your teeth whenever it hurts is obviously not a replacement for visiting the dentist and having the pain evaluated, but if it's a one-time occurrence and the pain isn't too serious, it might really help you get through the day.