Ganna (or Genna) is Ethiopia's version of Christmas, which takes place on January 7th. Visitors to Ethiopia can learn about Ethiopia's religious customs and culture at this major Ethiopian event. Ganna occurs 12 days before the Timkat festival, which is also a significant event. Ganna celebrations begin early in the day, with people gathering in churches for mass as early as 6:00 a.m. It started much earlier for the clergy, 43 days before Ganna, with the fasting period leading up to Ganna.
The clergy are required to fast for a period of reflection, which is known as the prophets' fast. The Advent fast is observed to cleanse the body and soul in preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. In Ethiopia, gift-giving is a minor aspect of the Christmas celebrations. At home, only tiny gifts are exchanged between family and friends. The joy of giving and sharing transcends religious views, spreading a sense of peace on earth and kindness to all people everywhere.
Date: January 7th