GigaDevice Semiconductor

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Đỗ Thị Nga

GigaDevice Semiconductor is a Chinese semiconductor company founded in 2005, with headquarters in Beijing, China. The company is a leading provider of memory and microcontroller unit (MCU) solutions for various industries and applications.

focuses on the research, development, and manufacturing of integrated circuit (IC) products, with a primary emphasis on non-volatile memory (NVM) and MCU technologies. Their products are used in a wide range of applications, including consumer electronics, industrial automation, automotive systems, smart meters, and more.

One of GigaDevice's notable product lines is their flash memory, which includes NOR Flash and NAND Flash devices. NOR Flash is commonly used in applications where fast read times and random access are crucial, such as code storage in embedded systems and microcontrollers. On the other hand, NAND Flash is more suitable for data storage in applications like USB drives, memory cards, and solid-state drives (SSDs).

has been recognized for its advancements in memory and microcontroller technology, offering products with high performance, reliability, and energy efficiency. Their solutions cater to the growing demand for memory and processing capabilities in various electronic devices and systems.

The company's commitment to innovation and quality has allowed it to expand its presence in both domestic and international markets. GigaDevice serves a diverse customer base, including manufacturers of consumer electronics, automotive components, industrial equipment, and other technology-driven industries.

Founded: 2005

Headquarters: Beijing,China


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Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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