Gindaco is the most well-known and well-liked takoyaki shop in Japan. Takoyaki is produced by combining flour with water, finely chopped octopus, dried shrimp, powdered bonito, aonori (green laver), red pickled ginger, and a small amount of chopped green onions. A round griddle is used to pour the ingredients into. The texture is fantastic, crisp on the exterior and mushy on the inside. Takoyaki is fantastic when served with Japanese brown sauce and mayonnaise. However, be careful with your tongue because all the served dishes are still fresh and really hot. Don't let your tongue get too hot! Takoyaki outlets tend to be in or near stations in Japan, where people may get them after work because they're convenient to carry away. This is the best Japanese fast food ever that you should try once.
Founded: 1991