Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi is unique in the world of manga because it masterfully blends uproarious comedy with a captivating sci-fi setting. Gintama has established itself as one of the most entertaining shonen manga series of all time. Gintama follows the adventures of a samurai named Gintoki Sakata, who runs an odd-jobs business called Yorozuya in an alternate Edo period where Earth is occupied by aliens known as Amanto. Gintoki navigates a world filled with humor, drama, and action with the help of his eccentric friends Kagura and Shinpachi.
Gintama becomes much more serious later in the series, and while its main character, Gintoki, is a lovable jerk, he's also a total badass. In many manga lovers' opinions, the manga strikes a perfect balance between laugh-out-loud moments and action-packed sequences, all while providing relatable characters and moments that will connect with you on a deeper level as well.
Gintama's episodic nature allows it to explore various storylines while maintaining an overarching narrative that ties everything together, which everyone particularly enjoys. If you're looking for a Shonen series with an unusual main character that's full of laughs and action, read Gintama.
Author: Hideaki Sorachi
Original run: December 8, 2003 – June 20, 2019
Volumes: 77
Status: Completed
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