The well-known manhwa series "Gosu" was created by Ryu Ki-Woon and Moon Jung-Hoo. The setting for the narrative is a universe with both martial arts and supernatural abilities. It chronicles the adventures of Yongbi, commonly known as the "Gosu," the sole surviving member of the famed martial arts organization known as the Murim-in. Yongbi sets off on a mission to get revenge on his fallen allies and put the Murim universe back in balance.
The illustrations of "Gosu" are very detailed and lively, featuring powerful action scenes and aesthetically striking martial arts maneuvers. Fans of books with a martial arts theme will find the series to be an exciting and interesting read since it blends aspects of action, adventure, fantasy, and a hint of humor.
The martial arts, fantasy, and adventure genres are all mixed together in the manhwa's action-packed scenes and complicated combat scenes. It has a devoted following because of the interesting plot, gorgeous artwork, and well-rounded characters. From 2015 until 2019, "Gosu" was serialized on the website Naver Webtoon.
Author: Ryu Ki-Woon
Illustrator: Moon Jung-Hoo
Genres: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts
Chapters: 22
Read here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/gosu/list?title_no=1099