Gregor Mendel is known as the father of modern genetics
Nowadays, genetics is covered in one or two lessons in every biology course. Simply put, "genetics" is the study of how genes (the transmission of traits from one generation to the next) function. The availability of studies from decades ago has made this easier now.
Gregor Mendel is a pioneer in this discipline as well as one of the researchers. Today's majority of scientists rely their work on his ground-breaking studies on plants to find answers to problems about heredity. Mendel's prominence skyrocketed after his theories were rediscovered. Mendel's theories are the foundation of traditional genetics, along with Nobel Prize winner Thomas Hunt Morgan's 1915 Boveri-Sutton chromosomal theory of heredity. The present synthesis of evolutionary biology was created in the 1930s and 1940s as a result of the fusion of Darwin's natural selection theory and Mendel's theories. Since he was the first to uncover how traits are passed from parents to their children, Gregor Mendel is recognized as the "father of modern genetics" and is credited with creating the genetics field as we know it today.