Grow them into new vegetables
According to GardenTech, if you have enough a vegetable leftover, you can really start new plants. Even the huge seed in some fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, may be utilized to sprout roots and renew the food. However, this is a project that will require time and work. However, if you don't want to or simply cannot use your vegetable scraps for another purpose, this is an excellent option to try to resuscitate what's left. And it's really satisfying if it succeeds.
To start growing fresh veggies from leftovers, first cut the end of the produce. This helps the vegetable to absorb new water and begin to regrow roots and new growth. After trimming the veggie, just immerse it in fresh water and place it somewhere with plenty of natural light. The veggie should develop over time, but make careful to change the water when it becomes hazy.