Gun X Sword
Gun X Sword is a 2005 anime series that focuses on action and adventure. It follows Van, a bounty hunter on the hunt for the fabled Gun X Sword, a weapon capable of defeating the terrible organization known as the Chronos Order.
Gun X Sword is a visually spectacular anime that features some incredible action scenes. All of the characters are well-developed, and the plot is compelling. However, the anime contains a significant degree of fan service, which may not be to everyone's liking.
Gun X Sword incorporates some fan service themes throughout the series. Occasionally, the female characters are represented in revealing clothing or in suggestive attitudes. These occurrences aren't particularly explicit, but they do give a touch of fan service to certain scenarios.
Directed by: Gorō Taniguchi
Released: The anime adaptation of Gun X Sword was released in 2005.
Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi