Terraformars is an intense and action-packed anime film based on the popular manga series written by Yū Sasuga and illustrated by Kenichi Tachibana. The story revolves around humanity's efforts to colonize Mars, leading to an unexpected confrontation with evolved humanoid cockroaches known as Terraformars.
The story takes place in a future in which humanity has colonized Mars, but the planet is plagued with giant cockroaches that have evolved to be even more dangerous than their Earth counterparts. A crew of specially trained astronauts is dispatched to Mars to kill the cockroaches, but they quickly discover that they are in over their heads. The film contains violent violence, and the cockroaches are among the most terrifying animals ever animated.
Terraformars is among the best fan service animes on Crunchyroll. Terraformras actually shines in terms of fan service. The anime carefully balances fan service scenes with plot and character development to ensure that they flow into the larger story. Fan service features include appealing character designs, enticing outfits, and the occasional fun interaction.
Directed by: Hiroshi Hamasaki
Released: The anime adaptation of Terraformars released in 2014.
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Link to watch: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRNQPEGWR/terraformars