Hans Christian Andersen Museum, Odense
Hans Christian Andersen is a must-see for everyone traveling to Denmark. His fables and fairy tales are well ingrained in Danish culture. The museum, which dates from 1908, is dedicated to the writer's life and work, including exhibits of relics, keepsakes, and sketches and artwork by Andersen himself. Drawings and artwork by him are particularly interesting. A computer is included in the interactive installations, allowing you to browse through his books. You can hear his stories and poems at the listening stations.
The museum shop contains a large selection of books about and by Hans Christian Andersen in numerous languages. Scenes from the autobiographical novel Story of My Life cover the domed hall. Hans Christian Andersen's boyhood house (Andersen's Barndomshjem) is located southwest of Odense Cathedral in Munkemllestrde (3-5), with a memorial plaque on the gable end. From 1807 to 1819, Andersen lived in this house. The structure has been converted into a branch of the main museum.
Location: Hans Jensens Stræde 45, Bangs Boder 29, Odense, Denmark
Official site: https://hcandersenshus.dk/en/
Highlights: Hans Christian Andersen’s statue, Hans Christian Andersen’s house, Bangs Boder, Munkemose Park, ...
Best time to visit: round - year