
top 8
Hoàng Phùng

Harvey's Brewery is an independent and family-owned brewery located in Lewes, East Sussex, England. Founded in 1790, it is renowned for its commitment to preserving traditional brewing methods and producing a wide range of high-quality ales.

One of the defining features of Harvey's Brewery is its dedication to using time-honored techniques and top-quality ingredients in its brewing process. The brewery places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship, often handcrafting its ales and maintaining a close connection to its heritage.

Harvey's is celebrated for its range of cask ales, which span a variety of styles. Their beers include classic British offerings like bitters, mild ales, and strong ales, each characterized by its unique flavor profile and dedication to traditional recipes.

One of Harvey's most iconic beers is "Harvey's Best Bitter," a well-regarded and widely enjoyed bitter that has become synonymous with the brewery. The beer's balanced and rich taste is emblematic of Harvey's commitment to creating ales with depth and character.

Founded: 1366

Founder: Sebastian Artois

Headquarters: Lewes, East Sussex, England

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stella/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/StellaArtois/

Website: https://www.stellaartois.com/

Photo by Stella Artois via Instagram
Photo by Stella Artois via Instagram
Photo by Stella Artois via Instagram
Photo by Stella Artois via Instagram

Top 10 Best Beer Brands in the UK

  1. top 1 Carling
  2. top 2 BrewDog
  3. top 3 Fuller's
  4. top 4 Thornbridge
  5. top 5 Adnams
  6. top 6 Theakston
  7. top 7 Wychwood
  8. top 8 Harvey's
  9. top 9 Shepherd Neame
  10. top 10 Timothy Taylor's

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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