Have Cancer-Fighting Benefits

Several chemicals found in eggplant have the ability to kill cancer cells. Solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs), for example, are a kind of chemical present in various nightshade vegetables, including eggplant. SRGs have been proven in animal studies to promote cancer cell death and may also help decrease the recurrence of certain forms of cancer.
Despite few studies, SRGs have been proven to be particularly effective against skin cancer when administered directly to the skin. Moreover, some studies have discovered that eating more fruits and vegetables, such as eggplant, may protect against certain forms of cancer. According to one evaluation of roughly 200 research, consuming fruits and vegetables was related to a lower risk of pancreatic, stomach, colorectal, bladder, cervical, and breast cancer. More study is needed, however, to discover how the chemicals found in eggplants cause cancer in humans.