Heartland is a Canadian family comedy-drama television series that debuted in Canada on CBC on October 14, 2007. The series is based on the Heartland book series by Lauren Brooke and follows Amy Fleming and her older sister Louise "Lou" Fleming on their Albertan-based family ranch. 'Heartland,' with their widowed grandfather Jack Bartlett, their father Tim Fleming, and hired farmhand Ty Borden. While experiencing the highs and lows of life on the ranch, the family bonds and grows closer.
The booted-up cowboy will make you think of the Old West, and we're not contesting this either. But it is also essential to uncover the deeper meaning behind the plot. In conventional Westerns, we have the protagonist usually seeking revenge to make things right, albeit with the help of guns. While this exact element may be missing from 'Heartland,' the show still focuses on the themes of right versus wrong, family, love, compassion, and protecting what is important to you. After all, there is a reason that it is going into its 14th season.
Detail information:
Link film: https://www.netflix.com/watch/70171946
Original release: October 14, 2007 – present