Heesu in Class 2
"Heesu in Class 2" stands as a poignant and notable Boys' Love (BL) manhwa, uniquely distinguished by its portrayal of a main character wrestling with the shadows of depression. In the intricate tapestry of this emotional narrative, readers are invited into the world of Heesu, a protagonist navigating the tumultuous terrain of his own mind within the dynamic setting of a school classroom. The storyline beautifully unravels the intricate layers of Heesu's struggles, offering a profound exploration of his journey through the labyrinth of emotions and self-discovery.
What sets "Heesu in Class 2" apart is its ability to seamlessly weave together the threads of romance and mental health, creating a narrative that is both tender and raw. The manhwa invites readers to delve into the complexities of Heesu's experiences, fostering a connection that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of the genre. As the story unfolds, it skillfully intertwines themes of love, personal growth, and the delicate nuances of mental well-being, making it a standout work within the BL genre.
Author: Ryu Hyeon-suk
Genres: Boys' Love (BL), School Life, Drama, Romance
Chapters: 89
Read here: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/heesu_en