Hidamari ga Kikoeru
"Hidamari ga Kikoeru," also known as "Hidamari Sound," is a BL manga written and illustrated by Yuki Fumino. The story centers around a college student named Kōhei Sagawa, who is hearing-impaired. Due to his condition, Kōhei often feels isolated and struggles to connect with others.
One day, Kōhei meets a fellow student named Taichi Sagawa, who is a cheerful and outgoing individual. Despite their differences, Taichi takes an interest in Kōhei and begins to reach out to him. As they spend more time together, a deep bond forms between them, and their relationship gradually develops into a romantic one.
"Hidamari ga Kikoeru" beautifully explores themes of communication, acceptance, and personal growth. It portrays the challenges faced by individuals with hearing impairments and the importance of understanding and empathy in relationships. The manga delicately handles the emotional journey of the main characters and their struggles with self-acceptance and societal expectations.
Author: Yuki Fumino
Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Yaoi
Chapters: 9
Read here: https://ww7.manganelo.tv/manga/manga-uo951823