Helps in Treating Fibroid
Research shows that about 40% of women have fibroid before reaching menopause, and this is often caused by several factors, including excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine, overweight, genetics, and hormonal changes, to mention but a few. Lower back pain, increased urination, prolonged menstruation, an enlarged belly or uterus, constipation, pain during sex, miscarriages or infertility are a few of the prevalent symptoms of fibroid.
However, one advantage of alligator pepper is that it has certain ingredients that are highly efficient in treating this muscular tumor. As a result, alligator pepper is used as a natural treatment for fibroid, particularly in Nigeria and other African nations. A balanced diet, frequent exercise, a low-sugar diet, fresh fruit, and foods high in beta-cater one, folate, and Vitamins C, E, and K are additional strategies you can use, in addition to regularly consuming alligator pepper, to lessen the appearance of fibroid.