Hermione Granger
We all know Hermione Granger was the smartest witch of her generation, but what makes her the most memorable and essential female character in the novels for all Harry Potter fans around the world? While Harry Potter is undoubtedly the novel's hero, Hermione was almost as much of a hero herself.
From the outset, Hermione established herself as the group's geek. She was regarded as slightly hated and somewhat obnoxious. True, she was a sage, but what's the harm in that? This self-assured demeanor was entirely justified. She had an intelligence that was unmatched by anybody else in the series; it was often remarked and well-documented.
Furthermore, she decided to bring about one of the most significant sacrifices in the novels: deleting her parents' memory and taking them away to safety. She selflessly sacrificed only one thing Harry had always desired - a family – to aid him in saving the world. Yes, it was to protect her mother and father, but she had no way of knowing at the time whether she could ever meet them again. Harry was born exceptional, but Hermione Granger created her own heroism.