Hidas-berc, at 3,185 feet above sea level, is the second-highest peak in Haves and the second highest mountain in Hungary. The mountain is located in Hungary, near Parad, Heves. Hidas-berc is a volcanic peak with steep, rough slopes. It is a popular tourist destination in Hungary for trekking and mountaineering. Because of its distinctiveness, this mountain attracts the majority of travelers that visit Kekes. Hidas-berc Mountain's peak has seasonal snow cover, notably during the winter. It provides water to various streams and seasonal rivers.
Geographically, it belongs to Cao Mátra; botanically, it belongs to the montane oak belt; and its distinctive botanical association is the mountain oak. Potentilla micrantha, Waldsteinia geodes, Sambucus racemosa, and Solidago virga -aurea are among its flora. Dry shield (Dryopteris carthusiana), wild crow's claw (Phyteuma spicatum), and poison wolf's hat flower (Aconitum vulparia) are among Hungary's protected plant species, as is the wolf lion (Daphne mezereum). The common goldenrod and the protected alpine rose (Rosa dictulina) may also be found on Pezs Rock. Scrophularia umbrosa is the flora of the spring marsh southwest of Pezs Rock. The protected common oak fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris) emerged beside Pezs' well.
Height: 3185 feet
Location: Parad, Heves, Hungary