Home of chocolate

Ecuador produces some of the world's most valuable chocolate and recently became the top Latin American exporter of chocolate. Cacao producers in Ecuador's Amazon have the hot and humid climate required to grow the world's most flavorful cocoa beans.

The world's other top chocolate-exporting countries have had crop failures, which has only added to Ecuadorian chocolate's growing popularity. Western Africa produces 70% of the world's cacao, primarily in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Droughts have been particularly severe in these countries in recent years. Cocoa prices increased by 24% in 2013. Economists predict that by 2020, chocolate demand will exceed chocolate production by 1 million tons. The fact that cocoa beans take a relatively long time to mature adds to the scarcity concerns.

A rising demand for dark chocolate contributes to some of this number crunching. Dark chocolate has earned the enviable status of a health-conscious dessert choice thanks to its recently touted antioxidant health benefits. Dark chocolate accounts for 20% of the chocolate market in the United States. Chocolate demand is also increasing in China.


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