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Hot cocoa mix

According to Smithsonian Magazine, although people have been consuming chocolate in some form since the Aztecs and maybe even earlier civilizations, the first packaged hot chocolate mix was created by a dairy company that overproduced dried milk for the Korean War, giving rise to Swiss Miss. Unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar, and typically dried milk are the main ingredients in hot cocoa mixes, however, several are dairy-free. Some businesses use powdered vanilla, and hot cocoa mix may also include additional ingredients to protect the powder from sticking to the pan.

Despite being incredibly wonderful, hot cocoa mixes contain additional chemicals that alter the flavor and texture of baked goods, thus they shouldn't often be used in baking. However, there are several recipes that call for the hot cocoa mix to make hot fudge sauce, flavor waffles, and more.

Hot cocoa mix
Hot cocoa mix
Hot cocoa mix
Hot cocoa mix

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