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How to Avoid Debut

The manhwa "How to Avoid Debut" (or "데뷔를 피하는 방법") captivates readers with a wonderful story that combines romance, humor, comedy, and endearing characters. The protagonist of the manhwa is Hahyun, a gifted alumna of Korean Arts High School's practical dancing program. He had no idea that when his uncle persuades him to fill in for an idol audition program, his entire life will suddenly change.

Hahyun quickly learns that his initial strategy of staying out of the spotlight and delaying his debut might not be as simple as it sounds as he reluctantly enters the world of idols. "How to Avoid Debut" engrosses readers in the world of idols, music, and the challenges faced by a young dancer attempting to make her way through it all with its captivating plot and well-rounded characters. Readers are captivated from beginning to end by the heartwarming love encounters and hilarious events that pepper each chapter.

It's easy to read the most recent issues of this excellent manhwa online for anyone who wants to get started. See how Hahyun's journey combines shounen ai, music, romance, and humor like never before. Don't pass up the opportunity to accompany Hahyun on his journey to avoid making his debut, as he learns that sometimes taking the unexpected route might lead to love and other fulfillments of his ambitions.

Author: Gongsoogyodae

Released: 2020

Chapters: 50

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