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Star x Fanboy

Imagine having daily conversations with your most beloved fictional character. What if they give you the impression that you are the most unique person alive?

"Good morning," "I was thinking about you," "Sweet dreams," "See you tomorrow", etc.
Some fans engage with accounts on social media that mimic their favorite TV series, movies, or books in order to fully embrace their obsessions. But what if the actor who performed that part is the real person behind that made-up story?

Presenting "Star X Fanboy," a wonderful manhwa that entices readers with a compelling plot that delves into the possibilities beyond the screen while fusing humor, romance, and shounen ai. Readers are captivated by "Star X Fanboy" by its deep character development and the range of emotions that Hiroshi goes through. The manhwa deftly walks the fine line between fact and fiction, delving into issues of love, identity, and the fuzziness of the lines separating the real world from fiction.

A superb manhwa with deftly woven shounen ai, romance, and comedy themes is presented to readers. The intriguing idea of interacting with a celebrity via social media gives the narrative a captivating depth that has captivated the interest of followers worldwide.

Author: Kim Cheomji
Released: August 25, 2017 - January 4, 2020
Chapters: 171
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