IELTS Mentor
IELTS Mentor is entirely devoted to people who want to take the IELTS exam and want to receive a high band score. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with the IELTS test format, commonly asked questions, and various IELTS exam parts before browsing the IELTS Preparation area. This website strives to provide you access to all the IELTS study resources you need to get a high band score.
IELTS Speaking and Writing section example answers of IELTS Mentor might help you better understand the kinds of questions you could be asked as well as how to respond to them. Many of their example answers were written by seasoned IELTS tutors, and they fall within the band 8/9 range.
This website offers all the information you need to prepare for your initial IELTS exam in four main sections: IELTS Preparation, IELTS Sample Questions, Blog, and IELTS Tips. Each segment offers practice for the associated IELTS module of the actual IELTS exam as well as the possibility to learn specific skills that will benefit your usage of the English language not only in general but also in the IELTS test.