Mini IELTS Test
The IELTS mock test website Mini-IELTS Test mainly focuses on practicing Listening and Reading skills for learners. Normally, each test will consist of 10 questions; you can practice in a short time.
Mini IELTS Test is a website that has a variety of Reading/Listening tests. In addition to the articles taken from the below book sources, this online IELTS mock test also synthesizes many readings on different topics such as Environment, Education, and so on. With the IELTS Reading test, the interface is designed similarly to the IELTS test structure when you take the IELTS computer-based test (On the left, there is a passage, on the right, there are questions).
The special thing about this website is the test feature, which means they don't have a clock countdown timer. Therefore, you can do the test as long as you want to; however, the system will let you know the total number of minutes you did the test. The short exam (10 sentences) is absolutely suitable for beginners or those who have difficulty in listening skills, with clear instructions and specific classifications, it will help users to be more familiar with the test and hence be able to choose the appropriate level questions.