
If your trip plans include a lot of driving, iExit might be useful as a freeway exit guide, providing local highway exits as well as adjacent shops and attractions. Need to get some gas, eat some nice cuisine, or locate a somewhere to stay the night? The search features on iExit come to the rescue, displaying local gas stations (with GasBuddy pricing data), hotels, and even specials and discounts from surrounding companies.
When you're driving along the highway, iExit lets you know what's coming up at the next exit. It determines where you are on the highway using your device's location and then displays future exits in real-time. iExit Search is both powerful and straightforward. Search the next 100 exits for businesses (like Starbucks, Cracker Barrel, or KOA Campgrounds), amenities (like WiFi, Playground, or Truck Parking), rest stops, hotel deals, and much much more.
Cost: $1.99
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