Introduction to Open Pit Optimization

Open-pit optimization is an important step in the mine planning process because it is used to define the most profitable pit shell (or nested pit shells) for a given set of economic parameters. The shell is then used as a guide to making a detailed pit design, but many mining engineers and companies overlook this critical step. This course will teach you how vital pit optimization is and how an optimizer can build the ideal pit shell that maximizes profit.
You will also see what data is required to run an optimizer and how it is used, and how the optimizer's algorithm (the Lerch Grossman algorithm) works its magic to generate the pit shell. The course also covers some of the mining engineering concepts that are required to run an optimizer, such as geological databases, geological modeling, block modeling, and much more. This course will be updated shortly with a real example of how to execute pit optimization in mining software. In order to follow this course, students must have a basic understanding of mining engineering or geology. This is one of the best online geology courses.
Who this course is for:
- Mining engineers
- Geologists
- Basic mining engineering and geology
Udemy rating: 4.2/5
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