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Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R

Because of current technology, more and more data is becoming available every day. Successful businesses understand this. They also acknowledge that judgments made by projecting the future based on historical data may have a big influence. Thus, understanding time series analysis and forecasting will provide you with the information and abilities necessary to develop those models.

You will learn about several methods for dealing with date and time data in R. Time zones, leap years, and varied formats make date and time computations extremely difficult for programmers. You will learn about the POSIXt classes in R Base, as well as the chron package and, in particular, the lubridate package. You will learn how to view, clean, and prepare data. As an analyst, data preparation consumes a significant portion of your time. Knowing the best outlier detection, missing value imputation, and visualization algorithms can save your day.Following that, you will study statistical approaches for time series. Autocorrelation, stationarity, and unit root tests will be discussed.

Then you'll explore how various models function, how to put them up in R, and how to utilize them for forecasting and predictive analytics. ARIMA, exponential smoothing, seasonal decomposition, and basic models serving as benchmarks are among the models taught. Of course, all of this is complemented by several workouts.

Who is this course for?

  • This course is for people working with time series data.
  • This course is for people interested in R
  • This course is for people with some beginner knowledge of both R programming and statistics.
  • This course is for people working in various fields like (and not limited to): academia, marketing, business, econometrics, finance, medicine, engineering, and science.
  • Generally, if you have time series data on your table and you do not know what to do with it, take this course!


  • computer with R and RStudio ready to use.
  • interest in statistics and programming.
  • time to solve the exercises.
  • basic knowledge of R (course R Base)
  • NO advanced statistics or maths knowledge required.

Udemy rating: 4.4/5.

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