Isabella was a capable leader and outstanding diplomat

Isabella was a strong ruler and a great diplomat, which is one of the most interesting facts about Isabella I of Castile. In 1474, Isabella was recognized as the legitimate monarch of Castile and León. Her reign's early years were not quite easy. Isabella was in Segovia when Henry passed away, which was reserved for her claim. Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza, the constable of Castile (a Velasco), and the admiral (an Enriquez), a member of Ferdinand's mother's family, were among the notable Castilian nobility who supported her. The strong young marqués de Villena, the master of Calatrava (an influential military order), and the archbishop of Toledo made up the opposing group, which advanced Joan's counterclaims. Afonso V of Portugal, who hurried to conquer Castile and there got engaged to Joan, helped them.

The Battle of Toro was the longest and bloodiest of the several wars that ensued. The Battle was the first and one of Isabella's most significant political victories. King Alfonso V's army was routed and left Castile after its loss. Segovia's insurrection was suppressed by Isabella in August of 1476. An intriguing aspect about Isabella I of Castile is that she went to talk with the rebels herself.


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