The Reconquista was put an end to by Isabella

The Reconquista, the protracted period of the Iberian Peninsula invasion, came to an end with the capture of Granada in 1492. Although Spain did eventually become a united nation, it took a very long time for this personal union to result in actual political unification. Ferdinand named Isabella as his heir in Aragon in his first testament (written in 1475), and he freely acknowledged the benefits the union with Castile would bring to his subjects. However, each kingdom's administration persisted in following its institutions. The two kings had a common goal: to conquer Granada, the last Muslim bastion in Spain, and put an end to the protracted Reconquista process.

In the end, however, the conquest (which started in 1482) was challenging and protracted, which put a burden on Castile's finances. The campaign had certain medieval elements, such as the battle order, but it also had some innovative ones. Isabella took a keen interest in how the war was being fought, and she appears to have been behind the development of a military hospital and better supply routes. Isabella and Ferdinand established an advanced headquarters in Santa Fe in 1491, near to their ultimate goal, and they remained there until the fall of Granada on January 2, 1492.


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