It’s where the ‘God Particle’ was discovered

Switzerland is where the ‘God Particle’ was discovered. Or, at the very least, its existence was established. In the 1960s, a group of scientists, notably British Peter Higgs, proposed the notion of the Higgs boson, a mystical particle considered to be responsible for the mass of other particles. In other words, they are the fundamental building blocks of our cosmos. CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) verified the existence of the Higgs boson, or the 'God Particle,' in 2012, and the world's greatest science experiment has been unraveling some of our universe's biggest secrets ever since. CERN provides free tours of its outstanding facilities as well as its museum. Oh, and its Large Hadron Collider, which shoots proton beams at each other in a loop 100 meters underground, is colder than space. Isn't it cool?

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