Switzerland is one of the largest producers and consumers of chocolate in the world

Switzerland is a major producer and consumer of chocolate in the world. The country is truly the birthplace of the best chocolate in the world. It is not surprising that Switzerland is well-known for its high-quality chocolate brands such as Lindt, Cailler, Toblerone, Nestle, and many others. The country is the world's greatest chocolate exporter, producing roughly 190,000 tons of chocolate per year (40 percent of global chocolate production), with an annual income of approximately 1.8 billion euros. This chocolate is primarily exported to the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, France, and Germany. But have you ever wondered how much chocolate the Swiss consume? Every year, each person in the country consumes nearly 10 kg of chocolate. In Switzerland, there is also a chocolate train that operates between the Cailler-Nestlé chocolate plant in Broc and Montreux.


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