Jerry's Artarama
In terms of the overall number and quality of art supplies, Jerry's Artarama is one of Blick's main competitors. SoHo, Reflexions, Amsterdam, Mezzo, Lukas, Charvin, Grumbacher, and many others are among the brands available. Jerry's has great bargains on everything from oil paints to bristol pads to stretched canvas for artists of all kinds. If you contact Jerry's customer service department, they may supply you with specialized quotes and savings for bulk orders (via telephone, email, and live chat).
Over 4000 free video art classes are available on the site, making it an excellent resource for budding artists and those looking to improve their skills. Jerry's Artarama provides free delivery on orders of $45 or more, as well as complete refunds if returned within 30 days.
Best for: Everything (& artists)
Shipping: Free on orders of $45+