Joker, a character in The Dark Knight (2008) by director Christopher Nolan, is inspired by The Joker from DC Comics and played by late actor Heath Ledger. He is a psychopathic mass murderer and a criminal mastermind with a sadistic, warped humor sense, hired by the bad guys in Gotham City to assassinate Batman (played by Christian Bale).
Joker embodies obsession, anarchy, and chaos. During the entire length of the movie, he showcases his strong desire to wreak havoc on Gotham's social order through murders and crimes, defining himself as a contrasting force with Batman. Heath Ledger's portrayal of Joker is heavily influenced by the Batman novels "The Killing Joke" and "Serious House on A Serious Earth". The actor dons Joker's traditional green and purple color theme - while adding some clown makeup on his face to cover the scars of his Glasgow smile.
At first, Ledger's participation in the movie was met with criticism and controversy. However, now, the role is considered one of the actor's very best. Even the actor himself considered the role very enjoyable.
After Ledger's unfortunate death due to overdose, his performance has received more acclaim and accolades than ever, including Oscar Award for "Best Supporting Actor". Joker has been agreed by many as one of the best villains in movie history.
Movie: The Dark Knight (2008)
Actor: Heath Ledger