Loki Laufeyson referred to as "God of Mischief Loki Odinson" is a character played by actor Tom Hiddleston in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) media franchise. The character is heavily based on a character in the Marvel Comics - and a mythological god from the Norse story - with the same name.
The character made his first appearance in 2011 in the "Thor" movie and become a critical recurring character in the Marvel Universe since then. Following his death in "Infinity War" (2018), another variant of Loki from alternate timelines is introduced to the audience in 2019 in "Endgame". He also appeared in a TV series called "Loki" (2021), being the main character along with Sylvie - his female variant.
Like the original comics, the cinematic Loki has been assigned as the main villain in MCU, trying to invade Earth or Asgard many times by allying with villains more powerful than him in order to reach his goal. Loki has a strong hatred for Thor - his brother - and hence, he always betrayed Thor and his comrades whenever he could. Still, due to his unexpected popularity with the audience, Loki is developed as less of a villain and more like an antihero throughout the rest of the series.
Movies: Thor (2011), Avengers (2012), Infinity War (2018), End Game, (2019), Loki (2021)
Actor: Tom Hiddleston