What do proactive, hip, and contemporary go-getters adore above all else? You have your finger on the pulse if you said juice and/or useless gadgets. The annual revenue from the juice industry is approaching $200 billion. Yes, we do adore juice. The annual revenue from kitchen appliances is about $17.6 billion. To pair them up is a match made in heaven! Or that it ought to have been.
Juicero seems to be excellent in 2017. Individual fruit packets were pressed in an internet-connected device with the support of certain high-profile investors, who invested $120 million in the concept. The machine compressed pre-packaged veggie and fruit packets with four tons of force to create wonderful, fresh juice. It resembled a vise in appearance.
After a while, someone realized they didn't actually need the $699 juice press and could simply squeeze the packets by hand. When journalists put it to the test, they found that they could get the juice with just their hands and faster. The Juicero's introduction had gone too badly, even after the price was lowered to $400. After only a few months in operation, they filed for bankruptcy.