Kashmir Smast Caves
The Kashmir Smast caverns, also known as Kashmir Smats, are a collection of natural limestone caves in the Babuzai Sakrah mountains in the Katlang Valley Mardan in Northern Pakistan that were intentionally expanded from the Kushan to the Shahi eras. The caves and their adjacent valley, according to recent scholarship based on a rare series of bronze coins and artifacts discovered in the region, likely comprised a sovereign kingdom in Gandhara that maintained at least partial independence for nearly 500 years, from the 4th century AD to the 9th century AD. It was ruled for the majority of its existence by White Hun (or Hephthalite) governors or rulers.
A few of the compartments have rich Hindu and Buddhist symbolism carved into the wooden architectural interiors. The British Museum in London has examples of these panels on display. Excavations at the Kashmir Smast site revealed one of ancient Gandhara's most well-organized urban planning systems.
Given the lack of precise find data for the Kashmir Smast coins, as well as the discovery of numerous symbols, legends, and motifs on the coins that have never been seen previously in 150 years of Hunnic numismatic study, attribution and dating of these specimens becomes a difficult challenge.
Location: Katlang Valley Mardan, Pakistan