Keep your veggies fresh for longer
When kept separately from one another, certain veggies last longer. Fruit and vegetables should be kept in separate drawers to avoid them from ripening too quickly.
Apples, bananas, avocados, and onions should all be kept separate from the rest of your produce. These create a lot of ethylene, which can accelerate spoilage. Put root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, or any vegetable with a stem in cold water in the fridge to hydrate them if they've lost their crisp. It's great on limp carrots, celery, and greens. Mushrooms should be kept in paper bags. Mushrooms and potatoes should not be washed ahead of time since they tend to get slimy when wet. Pre-chopping vegetables that get mushy or don't survive long after being cooked or chopped isn't necessary. If you do, a squeeze of lemon juice can help avoid browning and spoilage.