Keeper Tax

Keeper Tax is a straightforward, all-in-one tax and accounting platform designed exclusively for solopreneurs and gig workers, allowing them to turn ordinary, everyday expenses into tax write-offs and deductions. Keeper Tax assists 1099 contractors in keeping track of their business expenses in order to maximize deductions and reduce tax liability.
When clients integrate their bank, credit, and debit card accounts for the first time, Keeper Tax uses its AI-driven algorithm to categorize historical expenses, distinguishing business-related purchases, charges, and transactions from daily, non-business expenses. Keeper Tax then runs in the background, checking for updates on linked accounts. When new purchases are made, the software analyses and categorizes them right away, making recordkeeping for business owners easier. This function is especially handy for freelancers, independent contractors, and other self-employed people who don't have separate business checking or credit card accounts and instead combine their personal and work finances.
Filing fee: $16/month + $89 filing fee
Help: Each user assigned a bookkeeper; Seamlessly export all your documents