Kiki's Delivery Service
"Kiki's Delivery Service" beloved animated film is part of Studio Ghibli's enchanting collection and is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It is known for its heartwarming story, charming characters, and its portrayal of magic and beautiful animation.
"Kiki's Delivery Service" tells the story of a young witch named Kiki who, as tradition dictates, leaves her home at the age of 13 to live independently for a year and develop her witch skills. Kiki's primary magical ability is her ability to fly on a broomstick, a skill she uses to start her own delivery service in a seaside town. While the film doesn't focus on flashy displays of magic, it explores the quieter, everyday magic of self-discovery, determination, and the magic of human connections.
Throughout the movie, Kiki faces challenges in her newfound independence, including losing her ability to fly and losing her confidence. However, it's her unwavering determination and her ability to connect with people that ultimately make her special. The film celebrates the idea that magic isn't just about spells and incantations but also about the magic of finding one's purpose and the wonder of everyday life.
"Kiki's Delivery Service" is known for its stunning animation, a hallmark of Studio Ghibli films. The animation brings the picturesque seaside town and its characters to life with intricate detail. The film features breathtaking landscapes and cityscapes that capture the charm of a European coastal town. The attention to detail in the backgrounds and scenery enhances the overall atmosphere.
Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki
Air dates: July 29, 1989
IMDb rating: 7.8