König Gallery

Johann König started König Gallery in Berlin in 2002, and it now represents 40 international emerging and established artists, the majority of whom are from the younger generation. In sculpture, video, music, painting, printmaking, photography, and performance, the curriculum focuses on multidisciplinary, concept-oriented, and space-based techniques. In May 2015, König Gallery moved into St. Agnes, a gigantic former church erected in the 1960s in the Brutalist style, where museum-like exhibitions are shown in the former chapel and nave.
König digital, a virtual gallery space, was founded in April 2020 with the goal of creating online experiences. The app König Gallery allows the digital visitor to enter the exhibitions. König digital features digital solo and group exhibitions by new media artists and artists exploring virtual reality.
Address: Alexandrinenstraße 118-121, 10969 Berlin
Website: https://www.koeniggalerie.com/