Knight’s and Magic
"Knight's & Magic" is a manga series that blends the exciting genres of mecha and isekai, creating a unique and thrilling adventure. Adapted from the light novel series written by Hisago Amazake-no and illustrated by Kurogin, the manga follows the story of Tsubasa Kurata, a talented programmer and mecha enthusiast who dies in a car accident and is reincarnated into a fantasy world.
In this new world, Tsubasa is born as Ernesti Echevalier, a young noble. He quickly discovers that this world is filled with magic and giant, magical robots known as Silhouette Knights. Eru, as he's affectionately called, combines his technological knowledge with magic to become a formidable pilot and inventor. His goal is to create the ultimate Silhouette Knight and revolutionize warfare in the fantasy realm.
The manga excels in showcasing Eru's passion for mecha, his ingenuity in building and upgrading robots, and his quest to advance the world's technology. It combines elements of action, fantasy, and mecha battles to create a captivating and visually stunning narrative.
Author: Hisago Amazake-no
Genre: Fantasy, Mecha
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 121 chapters
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